TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements
FEMAS Event - 2012 Sep 07
FEMAS (The Federation of European Maritime Association of Surveyors and Consultants) held their board meeting on the 7th September 2012 at the offices of K.C. Lyrintzis Group. On this occasion guest speakers from K.C. Lyrintzis Group, the Piraeus Association for Maritime Arbitration (PAMA) and Tsavliris Salvage Group were invited to make presentations.
FEMAS was founded in 1993 as a federation of maritime associations of ship surveyors and marine consultants. Current members are UPEM (France), BAMTES (Belgium), NIVRE (Netherlands), SCMS (United Kingdom), HMTCA (Greece), VDSS (Germany), AIPAM (Italy), with an overall total of about 350 members. FEMAS membership is considered a quality label of technical competence, professionalism and trustworthiness in the area of maritime surveying and consultancy.
Mrs. Lyrintzis, of K.C. Lyrintzis Group, welcomed all the participants to the group's offices. Mr. Stavros Kechris opened the seminar, discussing KCL Group's dynamic operations. KCL Group provide professional marine technical, consulting and training services which serve the long run interests of the international shipping industry and its stakeholders. Mr. Dimitris Capaitzis (President of FEMAS) followed and introduced each speaker, inviting them to take the floor and present.
The presentations began with Dr. Nikos Frydas, of K.C. Lyrintzis Group, discussing "Risk Assessment via SORAS2: Maths & S-W Specs". Dr. Frydas spoke on why and how we do Risk Assessment, presenting a piracy attack simulation of Risk Assessment and what do we do after. More specifically, Dr. Frydas identified some of the benefits of Risk Assessment, such as the increased safety awareness, being able to identify threats, improving the confidence of seafarers, improving company learning and building team spirit. (www.kclgroup.gr)
Mrs. Jenny Pournara, speaking for the Piraeus Association for Maritime Arbitration (PAMA) discussed mediation and arbitration, and more specifically the purpose of the Association to develop reliable maritime arbitration in Greece and particularly in Piraeus. PAMA's aim is to promote a team of Greek and foreign arbitrators able successfully to perform the duties of an arbitrator or umpire for the resolution of maritime disputes, with international recognition and high quality results at lower cost and within a shorter time than other international arbitrations (www.mararbpiraeus.eu). A Mediation skills training foundation course for the shipping sector is being organized by PAMA and the Hellenic Mediation and Arbitration Centre (www.hellenic-mediation.gr) in October by British recognized trainers.
The final presentation was by Tsavliris Salvage Groups' Dr. Maria Adamopoulou and Mr. Nicolas A. Tsavliris with a "seminar" on the "Challenges within Salvage". Dr. Adamopoulou discussed the various difficulties the professional salvage industry is currently facing, which included the hot topics of Places of Refuge, Financial Issues within Salvage, and salving Mega-Ships. Mr. Tsavliris provided examples from the Groups own vast experience and history, going back to case studies from the 1960s. (www.tsavliris.com)
The pleasant and informative seminar was concluded with a buffet lunch attended by FEMAS, HMTCA delegates, and other guests.