TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

Bulk Carrier "MOONDANCE II" - 2011 Feb 02
TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE INTERNATIONAL LTD was contracted by the owners/managers on 4th January 2011, to salvage BC ''MOONDANCE II'' (GT 30988 DWT 56131), laden with 51,000 tonnes of coal. The vessel was aground approximately 25 miles off the coast of East Kalimatan, NE Borneo, on the south eastern edge of Karang Malalungan coral reef.
Salvage team was dispatched from Holland and Greece consisting of Salvage Master, Salvage officer, Salvage engineers, Naval architects, Divers and riggers. Permit for the salvage operation was received from the governmental authorities in Jakarta. Salvage plan was also approved. All steps were taken to ensure that risks to the environment were adequately addressed. Salvage tug was on location since 13th January 2011.
Lightening operation commenced on Wednesday 26th January 2011, into three chartered barges, totalling about 18,000 tons dwt. Vessel was successfully refloated on 30th January 2011 at 14.16hrs without incident or any pollution. Reloading of cargo from lightening barges back to casualty commenced and was completed on Tuesday 1st February 2011. Vessel was safely delivered to owners on Wednesday 2nd February, 2011. This was a major salvage operation.