TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

7th Annual Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards – “Seafarer of the Year” 2010 - 2010 Dec 10
For the 6th consecutive year TSAVLIRIS took to the stage on Friday 10th December to present the "Seafarer of the Year" Award at the 7th Annual Lloyd's List Greek Shipping Awards 2010.
Ms. Mariela Tsavliris, a member of the "next generation" presented the award this year; she delivered her speech with eloquence, clarity and finesse. She spoke the following words, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Guests, Good evening. It gives me great pleasure to be standing here before you to present this award. This year is especially significant as it is the "International Year of the Seafarer". The International Maritime Organization named 2010 as the "Year of the Seafarer" not only to draw attention to the unique circumstances within which seafarers spend their working lives while rendering their indispensible services, but also to make a clear and beneficial difference. As Secretary General of the IMO stated recently:"Seafarers are, in effect, the lubricant without which the engine of trade would simply grind to a halt". With that in mind you all realize how crucial a Seafarer's role is; add to this the difficulties which they face daily, not only the physical risks but also criminalization and more recently piracy. This profession is one which the shipping community must not only acknowledge but also actively encourage, because truly without the Seafarer there would be no shipping industry."
This year the award went to the heroic Captain Dimitrios Nezos, of bulker "ANANGEL PRIDE", which rescued eight fishermen off the Philippines last July in typhoon conditions. Lloyd's List organized an exceptional and glamorous event with hundreds of key personalities in attendance.
Nigel Lowry was once again Master of Ceremonies, however, this year with an exciting twist, Fotini Darra, one of Greece's leading singers was co-hosting the event. TSAVLIRIS have sponsored the "Seafarer of the Year" Award since it first began in 2004 – it is an award that TSAVLIRIS believe is the heart and soul of the Greek Shipping Awards and it gives them great pride to honour the seafarer.