TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements
YSP Event on the “MEGAS ALEXANDROS” - 2010 Apr 30
Members of Young Shipping Professionals (YSP) gathered aboard TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE'S "MEGAS ALEXANDROS" last week for what was a highly educational and somewhat "alternative" event. YSP Greece was established in 2006 to bring together the next generation of shipping professionals, predominantly through regular social gatherings. Recently, organizers have sought to try and bring additional value to their members by adding an educative/informative twist to their functions with considerable success.
YSP Committee Member Chronis Perivolaris of Perivolaris Law Firm commented: "The "MEGAS ALEXANDROS" is practically an institution here in Piraeus – she is known to almost everyone affiliated to this port. As very few young people within our industry have ever set foot on a salvage tug, we thought it would be a very original and interesting, venue for an event." This sentiment was underlined by the fact that attendees included individuals from the legal community, brokerage firms, P&I Clubs, average adjusters and shipowners all of whom were treated to a guided tour of the tug as well as the obligatory Greek canapé of "tiropitakia"!