TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

Continued Momentum for TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE - 2008 Apr 11
Recent articles stating a marked increase in ship casualties can be well and truly supported by TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE's continued activity. The world's premier emergency contractor stated at the beginning of the year that it foresaw a relentless workload ahead and thus far they have proved spot on. Five salvage cases (four of which were under LOF), together with two escort/static tows carried out by the "MEGAS ALEXANDROS" & "TSAVLIRIS HELLAS" confirm this sentiment.
The B/C "CHRISTY M" (DWT 25237) laden with 18700 M/T of bulk Soya bean meal, grounded on January 15th 2008 off San Lorenzo (456 km), Rio Parana. TSAVLIRIS dispatched two tugs from Buenos Aires and Plata respectively. Vessel refloated on January 20th with the assistance of tugs and attendant Salvage Master.
During ferocious gale force winds and swells up to 10 meters in height, on March 7th the M/V "SOPHIA" grounded 10 miles east of the Algerian port of Skikda. The grounding caused bottom damage and the "SOPHIA" is sitting hard aground on rocks in maximum water depth of 2,5 meters. Due to the substantial bottom damage, the weather and the swell exposed area, it is considered best practice for the fuel oils to remain on board the vessel. The oils are trapped in her double bottom fuel tanks and to date, no oils have escaped from her. Due to the extensive damages caused by the grounding of M/V "SOPHIA", only some 25% of the double bottom capacity could be restored by salvors as buoyancy. Furthermore the required lightering will be achieved by removing the cargo of pipes. Once the cargo is removed, the vessel can be refloated and towed to the port of Skikda where the oils will then be removed from the M/V "SOPHIA".
On a separate note, following the redelivery of the Russian tugs, TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP has embarked upon a significant acquisition drive, commencing with the purchase of two further substantial salvage tugs. Additional details will be made available in due course.