TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements
Motor Vessel "SHOVELER" - 2024 Mar 10
On 1 March 2024, the Motor Vessel "SHOVELER" (GT 19,814 – DWT 30,928), laden with 28,600 tonnes of wheat in bulk, caught fire in the engine room, approx. 55 miles SW of port of Ponce, Puerto Rico. The vessel was en route from Montreal, Canada to Puerto Cabello, Venezuela.
Οn 2 March, Tsavliris mobilised the Fifi tug "PLIS FOS" (BP 85 – BHP 6,772) from Fort de France, Martinique. Towage to Curacao commenced on 4 March arriving at destination, in adverse weather conditions, on 8 March. With the assistance of two port tugs, namely the "LIMA II" (BP 60) and "MANTA" (BP 65), the vessel moored safely at Caracas Bay and the operation was successfully completed.