TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP wins the Lloyds List Greek Shipping Safety & Environmental Award 2007. - 2007 Dec 18
TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP walked away with the highly coveted Safety & Environmental Award 2007 at the lavish Lloyds List Greek Shipping Awards Ceremony on December 7th, 2007 in Athens. As a professional salvor, no greater recognition by the shipping community can be bestowed on Tsavliris Group who pride themselves on both saving lives and protecting the environment against marine pollution.
The three brothers Nicolas, George and Andreas Tsavliris were all there to accept the award and in his speech, Mr. Nicolas Tsavliris was quick to praise the salvage men who put their lives at risk to save others and keep the seas void of pollution wherever and whenever possible. A big THANK YOU also went to their father and founder, Alexander G. Tsavliris, who instilled the values of protecting the marine environment as well as those who work for TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP for their tireless dedication to the cause.