TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

New Year pita-cutting event 2022 - 2022 Feb 02
TSAVLIRIS GROUP celebrated their New Year's "Pita Cutting" event on 2/2/2022. The occasion included the annual blessing and was attended by the TSAVLIRIS family and staff. This year, the traditional special award went to Tsavliris' agent in the Port of Patras, Mr Spyros A. Romanos, who was honoured for his loyal service to the Group for over 25 years.
The two "lucky charms" went to the Patras-based salvage tug "Proteas" and its crew, and Mr Dimitris Stravelakis, new member of our marketing team. Congratulations to all!
Happy New Year to all with 2022 blessings!