TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

Container Vessel "NAVIOS NERINE" - 2021 Nov 27
In November 2021, the Container Vessel "NAVIOS NERINE" (DWT 55,612 – GT 43,071), experienced main engine problem off Singapore, in ballast condition.
Tsavliris despatched the AHT "LANPAN 26" (BP 115 – BHP 8,160). With the assistance of four port tugs, the vessel was towed to the outer anchorage to be connected to the "LANPAN 26" and towage to "Paxocean" shipyard, Batam, Indonesia commenced on 23 November. Upon arrival, the vessel berthed alongside the repair pier with the assistance of shipyards' tugs. The "LANPAN 26" provided standby services and during that time lost one of her two anchors.
On 26 November, the operation was successfully completed.