TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

Bulk Carrier "LADY I" - 2020 Apr 24
On 16 March 2020, the Bulk Carrier "LADY I" (GT 39,643 - DWT 75,356), loaded with about 44,000 tonnes maize, grounded at km 456,7 lower Parana River. During the incident, the vessel was on passage from San Lorenzo, Argentina to Kuwait via Necochea, Argentina.
Tsavliris were contracted to provide salvage assistance. On 17 March, the T/B "BRUTUS" (BHP 5,400 - BP 72) was engaged to refloat the vessel and a salvage master was appointed.
The refloating operation was approved by the coast guard and when first refloating attempts failed, a second tug, the single screw T/B "TUMBADOR I" (BHP 3,380 - 40 BP) was engaged. Refloating attempts resumed and the "TUMBADOR I" was replaced by the more powerful T/B "COOPOR ESTIBADOR I" (BHP 5,000 - BP 58). On 19 March, an assistant salvage master boarded the vessel to assist in the operation and scouring continued throughout the night by both tugs.
On 20 March, the vessel was refloated and under pilot's attendance proceeded (escorted by both tugs), to anchor at the nominated anchorage for inspections. The "COOPOR ESTIBADOR I" was released whilst the "BRUTUS" remained on standby alongside the vessel.
On 20 March 2020, the salvage services were successfully completed.