TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements
Container vessel "CSL VIRGINIA" - 2018 Nov 13
On 7 October 2018, the Container Ship "CSL VIRGINIA" (GRT 54,592 - DWT 66,644), whilst anchored north of Cap Corse, northern Corsica peninsula, in ballast condition, was allided by the Tunisian Ferry "ULYSSE" (GRT 17,907) which was en route from Genoa, Italy to Tunis, Tunisia. The "CSL VIRGINIA" suffered substantial damage (several meters hull breach by way of her starboard side at hold No.3) and the ferry's bow sustained serious damage. Oil pollution from bunkers occurred in the area.
Tsavliris Salvage was engaged to provide salvage and antipollution services. A salvage team including divers were mobilised from Greece to attend.
On 11 October, the two vessels separated due to increased movement of "ULYSSE". Tugs "TOSCANA", "PACINI" and the antipollution oil recovery vessel "AEGIS I", fully equipped with antipollution equipment were mobilised from Livorno and Piraeus respectively. Antipollution services were provided including pumping of a significant quantity of fuel oil (by skimming) into "AEGIS I" tanks. Upon completion of services and inspections by the French/Italian authorities and vessel's classification, the "CSL VIRGINIA" was permitted to sail by her own means escorted by "AEGIS I".
On 30 October, the convoy arrived safely at the anchorage of Bozcaada island, (Aegean Sea) and services (lasting three weeks) were successfully terminated.