TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

Bulk Carrier "IOLCOS GENESIS" - 2017 Dec 28
On 22 December 2017, the Bulk Carrier "IOLCOS GENESIS" (DWT 46,000 – GT 34,062) partly laden with maize, immobilised due to main engine failure approximately 43 miles west-north-west of Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
The same day the salvage tug "SALVAGE ACE" (BHP 9,000 – 110 TBP) was mobilised from her salvage station at Kaohsiung and arrived at the casualty's position the next morning. Tow line connection was established and towage to Kaohsiung commenced. On 23 December, the convoy safely arrived at Kaohsiung roads and anchored at anchorage No.1 while the tug provided standby services. On 24 December the "IOLCOS GENESIS", escorted by "SALVAGE ACE", sailed from Kaohsiung to Taichung, Taiwan and arrived at destination on 26 December. On 28 December the operation was completed and the tug was released.