TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers and the "Changing Horizons" Forum - 2006 May 26
The Institute of chartered shipbrokers, Greek branch, which has Nicholas A. Tsavliris as its chairman, Mr. George A. Tsavliris and Mr. Andreas A. Tsavliris are also fellows of the F.I.C.S (Fellowship Institute Chartered Shipbrokers) organized a celebratory forum in Athens with topic the "Changing Horizons".
The audience consisted of a mix of shipowners, shipbrokers, ship managers, lawyers, agents, professors and other union leaders. Many nominant personalities were attending the forum such as Mr.Spyros Karnesis, Mr. Thanassis Martinos, Mr. Antonis Mavrakakis, Mr.George Margaronis Mr. George Gourdomihalis and Mr. George Tsavliris. Managing Director of the ICS and hostess of the event, Mrs Natalia Margioli Komninou, in a very cordial and friendly atmosphere made a warm opening by giving "in appreciation" an honoring plate to the ICS's chairman Mr. Nikolaos A. Tsavliris. The event noted to be very successful having counted over 500 attendances. A significant part for the ICS's success was due to its influential panel that was consisting of Mr. Nikolaos A. Tsavliris, Capt. Panagiotis Tsakos, Dr. Ioannis Goustas, Mr Dimitris Anagnostopoulos from the ABN AMBRO Bank, Mr Dimitris Matzavinos from Bayerishe Bank, Mr. George Xiradakis from XRT, Mr Giorgos Banos from George Moundreas & Co S.A and Mr.Stelios Tzitzis from Clarksons Hellas.