TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

Tsavliris participates in Posidonia seminars - 2016 Jun 10
Tsavliris Salvage participated in the Marine Traffic seminar on 9 June at the Posidonia Exhibition 2016. The seminar focused on AIS (Automatic Identification System) and the benefits it offers to the global maritime industry.
Leading experts on AIS explained how to extract value for business intelligence.
In his presentation Captain George Polychroniou, Operations Manager at Tsavliris Salvage, explained the benefits of AIS to the shipping community and Tsavliris Group in particular. He mentioned that "Tsavliris Salvage Group adopted AIS in 2003 in order to monitor our salvage/towage operations, manage our fleet worldwide and prevent pollution".
He concluded that "AIS information can reduce collisions and consequently save lives at sea and avert pollution".