TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

Motor Tanker “KRITI AMBER” - 2016 Feb 18
On 15 February 2016 Tsavliris mobilised the AHTS "Resolve Earl" (12,000 BHP – 135 TBP) from Freeport Bahamas to the assistance of the Motor Tanker "KRITI AMBER" (GT 31,330 – DWT 45,614) fully laden with crude oil, immobilised due to engine problems about 13 n.m. south of Sombrero Key, Florida USA.
On 16 February, the "Resolve Earl" arrived at casualty's position and towage to Matanzas Cuba commenced.
On 17 February the convoy safely arrived at Matanzas (outside of Cuban territorial waters) and the tow was delivered to port tugs.
The "Resolve Earl" was released and arrived at Freeport on 18 February.