TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

Q1 2016 Tsavliris Activities - 2016 Mar 23
On 11 January 2016 the Tsavliris S/T "MEGAS ALEXANDROS" (6,250 BHP – 73 TBP) was mobilised from her Piraeus salvage station to the assistance of the M/V "OCEAN GLORY" (4,123 GT – 6,036 DWT) fully laden with UREA, immobilized due to mechanical problem 200 nautical miles northwest of Benghazi, Libya.
On 13 January the S/T "MEGAS ALEXANDROS" arrived at casualty's position, established towage connection and towed the casualty towards Greece.
The convoy arrived safely at Piraeus roads on 15 January and the tow was delivered to port tugs.
Motor Tanker "KRITI AMBER"
On 15 February 2016 Tsavliris mobilised the AHTS "Resolve Earl" (12,000 BHP – 135 TBP) from Freeport Bahamas to the assistance of the Motor Tanker "KRITI AMBER" (GT 31,330 – DWT 45,614) fully laden with crude oil, immobilised due to engine problems about 13 n.m. south of Sombrero Key, Florida USA.
On 16 February, the "Resolve Earl" arrived at casualty's position and towage to Matanzas Cuba commenced.
On 17 February the convoy safely arrived at Matanzas (outside of Cuban territorial waters) and the tow was delivered to port tugs.
The "Resolve Earl" was released and arrived at Freeport on 18 February.
On 25 February 2016, Tsavliris Salvage mobilized the tug "Ona Don Lorenzo" (5,500 BHP – 62 TBP) from Buenos Aires, Argentina to the assistance of the Bulk Carrier "ALKIMOS HERACLES" (GT 43,007, DWT 81,992) partly laden with 50,000 tons of iron ore, grounded at KM 27, Canal Punta Indio.
Later on that day, the vessel refloated by own means, whereupon the tug was instructed to return to Buenos Aires.
"ALKIMOS HERACLES" proceeded to Recalada outer anchorage for routine inspection by the Coast Guard.
On 26 February 2016, Tsavliris Salvage were engaged to provide technical assistance to the Capesize Bulk Carrier "NEW KATERINA" (GT 85,590 – DWT 170,082) fully laden with iron ore, grounded at KM 69 in the Suez Canal. Tsavliris Salvage provided technical consultancy/support including planning, surveillance and risk assessment.
Tsavliris Brothers receive most prestigious award
The "2016 Capital Link Greek Shipping Leadership Award" was awarded to the three Tsavliris Brothers of Tsavliris Salvage Group, in recognition of their unique and extensive contribution to Shipping and Greece and for their overall outstanding service to the maritime industry. The Capital Link's 7th Annual Greek Shipping Forum was held on 16 February 2016 in Athens.
The Tsavliris Brothers were the fourth recipients to be awarded this most prestigious award. Previous recipients were Captain Panagiotis Tsakos, Pericles Panagopoulos and Lambros Varnavides (Baltic Exchange, RBS).
The Capital Link Forum was extremely well attended with over 1,200 delegates. Not only was the number of attendees impressive but also the significant number of principals and senior people of the shipping and financial industry from Greece and abroad.
Capital Link's President, Mr. Nicolas Bornozis presented the Tsavliris Salvage Group as a successful, traditional, third generation shipowning and maritime services company. He referred to the Tsavliris Group founder, Alexander G. Tsavliris, and his achievements. He mentioned that "His legacy has been honoured and expanded on by his three sons Nicolas, George and Andreas Tsavliris whom we honour today".
Mr Nicky A. Pappadakis, Chairman Emeritus, Intercargo and A.G. Pappadakis & Co., announced the award and praised the Tsavliris Brothers for their hard work, integrity and business ethics. He highlighted the importance of the great relationship and teamwork between Nicolas, George and Andreas Tsavliris. He also noted the historical ties between his family and the Tsavliris family going back to their respective founding fathers.
The Tsavliris Brothers said that "We believe that the success of our company is due to the high quality of our services which are appreciated by our clients. This award will only encourage us to maintain the same high standards and continue to improve wherever possible".