TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

Q4 2015 Tsavliris Activities - 2016 Jan 13
On 4 September 2015, capesize bulk carrier "Cape Elise" (88,853 GT – 174,124 DWT), fully laden with 168,330 tons of iron ore, made bottom contact in the Singapore Straits (deep-water channel) resulting in bottom damage and water ingress in port double bottom tanks No 2, 3 and port wing tank No 4.
During the incident the vessel was on passage from Yuzhny/Odessa, Ukraine to Zhoushan/Jiangyin, China.
On 4 September, Tsavliris Salvage was contracted to provide salvage assistance.
On the same day, the AHTS "Uos Navigator" (16,320 BHP – 200 TBP) was mobilized from Singapore to assist the casualty. The managers and agents of the casualty requested permission from the Singapore Port Authorities (MPA) to proceed and anchor inside the port limits for damage assessment. Their request was denied, and the casualty, escorted by the "Uos Navigator", anchored on 5 September outside the entrance to Singapore Straits, in the open China Sea.
On 6 September, the salvage master arrived at Singapore and a meeting was arranged with the MPA on 7 October. At the meeting, port entry was agreed upon submission of the required documentation, including the "Fit to Port Entry'' declaration by ship's classification society (LR). All documentation was submitted on the same day and on 8 September permission was granted.
On 9 September the "Cape Elise", escorted by the AHTS "Uos Navigator", anchored at Raffles reserved anchorage (section R2).
In compliance with Port Authorities' requirements, oil booms were deployed around the casualty.
On 10 September, an underwater inspection commenced by Singapore Salvage Engineering (SSE) divers and was completed on 13 September. Underwater repairs (temporary patching) commenced by the SSE team on 14 September and were completed on 30 October. These included the internal double bottom tanks repairs.
The salvage services lasted about two months and were successfully terminated on 30 October.
On 2 October 2015, the geared bulk carrier "New Hunter" (25,531 GT - 46,212 DWT) partly laden with 20,195 tons of fine alumina powder grounded in the Suriname River fairway – South America, whilst on passage from Paranam to Baltimore.
On 6 October, Tsavliris Salvage was contracted to provide salvage assistance.
A salvage team, consisting of the Salvage Master, a Salvage Engineer, a Naval Architect and divers arrived on board the casualty on 7 October.
On 15 October, after lightering about 2,000 tons of cargo to two vessels ("ORION TRADER" and GALAXY TRADER"), during high water, the vessel was refloated with the assistance of four tugs.
Underwater and internal inspections were carried out which revealed minor damages in No 1 double bottom tank portside and No 2 double bottom. All damages were temporarily repaired.
Due to heavy swell, the 2,000 tons of lightening cargo could not be reloaded at anchor off Suriname. Furthermore, for safety reasons, the Paramaribo Pilots rejected the request to proceed to Paramaribo inner anchorage.
The casualty and the two lightering vessels "ORION TRADER" and GALAXY TRADER" proceeded to Georgetown, Guyana, where the trans-shipment was completed.
The successful salvage operation/lightering lasted three weeks and was terminated on 28 October at Georgetown.
On 23 October 2015, the Panamax bulk carrier "Los Llanitos" (40,420 GT – 71,731 DWT) grounded on rocky bottom north of Manzanillo, at Barra de Navidad, West Coast Mexico, during the passing hurricane "Patricia" – which was the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the western hemisphere. On 24 October Tsavliris Salvage was contracted to provide salvage assistance.
On 25 October, Tsavliris Salvage team and their subcontractors Messrs. "Resolve Marine Group'' team arrived on scene.
The prevailing strong winds and heavy swell, did not allow the salvage teams to board the casualty. Due to severe damage sustained by casualty a quick refloating was not possible, therefore the salvage master focused on the removal of marine pollutants in order to limit any potential harm to the environment. Floating oil booms were deployed around the casualty.
As the weather conditions did not allow any approach by sea, all necessary crafts and equipment were mobilized from USA and Panama respectively, through subcontractors as well as locally, and were transferred on board the casualty with the assistance of a local helicopter.
On 28 October the salvage team managed to board the casualty and prepared for the removal of hydrocarbons and chemical pollutants.
About 1,700 litres of chemical products were packed and removed with the use of helicopter and were transferred to shore reception facilities for disposal.
On 14 November the weather conditions slightly improved allowing only the tug "Resolve Commander" to go alongside the vessel for the removal of hydrocarbons which was completed on 19 November. The total amount of hydrocarbons removed was 520,000 litres which were transferred safely ashore between 21 and 24 October. The one-month operation was successfully completed on 26 November.
On 16 December 2015, our salvage tug "TSAVLIRIS HELLAS" was dispatched from her permanent salvage station at Ponda Delgada, Azores, to the assistance of the yacht "SMA SOLO SAILOR" which had been abandoned by her crew, in heavy weather, about 150 nautical miles north-west off Azores.
On 18 December, the "TSAVLIRIS HELLAS" found the yacht drifting approximately 180 miles north-east of Ponda Delgada.
Due to severe weather/sea conditions, it was not possible to transfer the SMA team (already onboard the "TSAVLIRIS HELLAS" from Ponda Delgada) to the yacht. The S/T "TSAVLIRIS HELLAS" returned back to Ponda Delgada with the SMA team onboard.
Tsavliris Salvage has further expanded its fleet with its latest acquisition. Built in 1993 as the "Montgat", the tug (renamed) "Hermes" (FIFI Class - BHP 2,725 – BP 41 tons) was delivered on 19 November 2015 at Piraeus. The multi-purpose, deep-sea tug adds to the group's capabilities and will operate out of Patras salvage station.
A private blessing ceremony was held on 20 November with family and staff to welcome the newest member of the Tsavliris fleet. The group echoed its long-standing commitment to international salvage and intends to further expand its fleet and acquire additional tugs in the near future.
TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE sponsored for the 11th consecutive year, the Lloyd's List Greek Shipping Awards which were presented at a successful dinner event on Friday 4 December 2015 at the Athenaeum InterContinental Hotel in Athens.
George A. Tsavliris presented the "Seafarer of the Year" Award to Mrs Tsitsimelis, wife of the winner, Capt. Dimitris Tsitsimelis who in January diverted the Magna Marine bulker "Pansolar" to rescue two Mexican fishermen who had been adrift for three weeks without water or provisions. Despite heavy seas, the men were brought on board and taken to the nearest port, Acapulco, where they fully recovered in hospital.
The "Seafarer of the Year" Award is one which Tsavliris Salvage Group is honoured and proud to sponsor. Lloyd's List once again held an impressive event with over 1,100 shipping personalities, executives and guests in attendance.
Tsavliris Salvage Group held their traditional Christmas Cocktail Reception at the Royal Thames Yacht Club of London on 8 December 2015. With over 300 key players from various sectors of the shipping community attending, the annual event is a Christmas highlight for the London Maritime community.
Mr Andreas A. Tsavliris addressed the large gathering of guests, welcoming and thanking them for their kind support over the years. He addressed the developments of the Group in 2015, including the expansion of the Tsavliris fleet. Mr Tsavliris mentioned the importance and value of the LOF (Lloyd's Open Form) salvage contract; he described the difficulties the salvage industry is facing as well as the changes to the sector which result in many companies merging (creating joint ventures), some closing down their salvage division or even trying to sell their entire company. Amongst many other topics, Mr Tsavliris also announced with great pleasure the engagement of his daughter, Natalia, to be married next summer. He highlighted that this is a particularly special year for the Tsavliris Salvage Group, which celebrates 100 years from the birth of the company's founding father, Alexander G. Tsavliris; 75 years from the commencement of the first Tsavliris shipping company and 50 years from the foundation of Tsavliris Salvage in 1964. The publication of Alexander G. Tsavliris' biography is expected soon with all his history and achievements as well as the evolution of the Group and the Family today.