TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

Hall of Fame Event - 2014 Mar 24
Alexander G. Tsavliris (1914-1973) was inducted into the Greek Shipping Hall of Fame at the inaugural London event on Monday 24th March 2014. The Group's founder was joined by Mr Pericles G Callimanopoulos who dedicated most of his career to establishing an international liner company that would serve the Greek economy as well as world trade.
Alexander's key highlights will be remembered as: being amongst the first shipowners to support the development of Piraeus as a maritime centre; becoming a leading owner of dry cargo ships; and perhaps most of all, for putting Greece on the international map for salvage operations.
The event was attended by Alexander's three sons: Nicolas, George and Andreas, together with their respective families, all of whom were touched and honored to be part of such a memorable occasion.