TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

Tsavliris Salvage Group's Q4 Activities - 2013 Dec 17
On Thursday 8th August we dispatched salvage tug "UNICORN" to the assistance of bulk carrier "CARMEN SILVA" (16,145 GT, 25,739 DWT), laden with about 23,300 tons of steel/general products, disabled due to main engine problems about 150 miles South East of Sur, Oman.
Salvage tug "UNICORN" arrived at the casualty's position on Sunday 11th August. Despite adverse weather conditions, towline connected and towage commenced towards Fujairah. However, our appointed agents advised that the casualty would not be allowed entry into Fujairah port due to ships congestion and also to Dubai roads due to port regulations. The alternative port for repairs was Muscat, Oman. Towage therefore continued towards Muscat anchorage.
On the 17th August, the convoy arrived at position, about 100 miles off Muscat port, awaiting written approval from the harbour master to proceed into Oman territorial waters.
On the morning of the 18th August the second mobilized tug, "AL TOWFAN", arrived at convoy's position to assist in steering the convoy for the approach to Muscat traffic zone.
Written approval from the harbour master was received on Monday 19th August whereupon the convoy proceeded to Muscat anchorage on Tuesday 20th August.
Casualty dropped anchor at Sultan Qabous inner anchorage and tug "AL TOWFAN" went alongside for standby services during casualty's repairs. Salvage tug "UNICORN" was demobilized. After successful repairs/sea trials, the two month service terminated on Sunday 6th October.
On Tuesday 17th September, we dispatched salvage tug "URANUS", from Las Palmas, to the assistance of general cargo vessel "HAGEN" (11,927 GT, 16,825 DWT), laden with about 14,500 MT of Peruvian steam dried fishmeal in bulk, immobilized due to machinery problems about 700 nautical miles Southwest of Azores Island.
Salvage tug "URANUS" arrived at the casualty's location in adverse weather conditions, the towline was connected and towage commenced. Convoy arrived safely off Cascais on the 30th September where the "URANUS" delivered the vessel to two port tugs contracted by Tsavliris. The "HAGEN" was safely towed to Lisbon and the same day berthed at TPR Terminal.
On Tuesday 15th October 2013, we dispatched tug "AL WAFI" from her Muscat anchorage, to the assistance of general cargo vessel "SILA" (5,688 GT, 7,608 DWT), laden with about 6,200 MT of Indian Soybean Meal Hipro in bulk, disabled and drifting off Salalah.
Tug "AL WAFI" arrived at the casualty's position on Saturday 19th October, connected towline and towed casualty to Duqm port, Oman. Convoy safely arrived on Wednesday 23rd October at Duqm outer anchorage, where the vessel was delivered to port tugs arranged by Tsavliris. The same day vessel was redelivered to her owners at Duqm shipyard berth, Oman.
On Thursday 31st October we dispatched salvage tug "ASTERIX" from Aarhus, to the assistance of bulk carrier "AGHIA MARINA" (17,428 GT, 28,522 DWT), in ballast, immobilized due to engine problems South East of Skagen, Denmark.
Salvage tug "ASTERIX" arrived at the casualty's position in the early hours of the 1st November, connected towline and proceeded towards Wismar. Tug "HUNTER" was dispatched on the 1st November to provide steering services for the narrows in the Great Belt. A rendez-vous point between the two tug masters was agreed north of Sjaellands Odde.
Convoy arrived at the Outer Roads Anchorage Wismar on the 2nd November. On the 3rd November, casualty proceeded, with the assistance of pilot and 3 port tugs, to berth No.7 Wismar port. Casualty safely redelivered to her owners same day.