TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP - News & Announcements

Tsavliris People & Places - 2013 Mar 29
Mr. George A. Tsavliris was invited to speak at the eleventh Panama Maritime World Conference & Exhibition, that took place at the Megapolis Convention Center in Panama City, from the 27th of February to the 1st of March, 2013.
Mr. Tsavliris took to the stage on Thursday 28th February to discuss "Salvage and Associated Environmental Risks". In his speech, Mr. Tsavliris reviewed the background of the LOF Contract and current salvage system, incorporating the 1910 Salvage Convention, the 1989 Salvage Convention, the LOF 2011 Contract and SCOPIC. These topics were covered to support professional salvors current efforts to update the system. The aim is to provide for the assessment of an extra award which recognizes the salvors efforts in avoiding or minimizing damage to the environment and the liability contingent thereto – "Environmental and Liability Salvage".
The Panama Maritime World Conference & Exhibition is a hugely successful event with prominent shipping personalities attending from all over the world. Mr. Tsavliris was honoured to be invited to be part of this event.
Mr. Andreas A. Tsavliris - President of the International Salvage Union (ISU) - took to the floor as a speaker at three events in March. Firstly, Mr. Tsavliris spoke at the International Maritime Industries Forum (IMIF) on the 7th March on "The Evolution of the LOF & Challenges within the Salvage Industry". The speech tackled the difficulties which salvors currently face, including the salvage of mega-ships, criminalisation, ETVs, commercial pressures, piracy, places of refuge and cost of wreck removals. The "sold out" event was held at the Baltic Exchange with the key players of the shipping industry in attendance. Following the presentation an extensive and exciting Q&A session and discussion took place.
The following day, Mr. A. Tsavliris opened proceedings at the International Salvage Union's Associate Members' Day at the Institute of Directors, introducing the theme for the day – "major wreck removals". The event was a great success with a record number of 150 delegates.
Finally, Mr. A. Tsavliris gave his annual lecture at the City University to over 100 students who are taking their Masters Degrees. The presentation was on "Shipping Trade & Finance," and some of the topics discussed were the ordering of new buildings, buying and selling second hand vessels, chartering, insurance, banking, financing and currencies – emphasizing the importance and necessity of the salvage industry globally. The lecture lasted over 4 hours with Mr. Tsavliris drawing on his many years of experience and constantly interacting with the students.